Alton Farmers' & Artisans' Market Pre-Season Vendor Meeting

Hello, everyone! (First off, my apologies ~ apparently my test message for our new email system was just sent to everyone by mistake so please disregard that LOL)

Every year we get our vendors of the Alton Farmers' & Artisans' Market together to talk about the upcoming season.

Please join us on Sat, February 22nd at 10:00am at the iMerge Community Center (in the Riverbender building) located at 200 W. 3rd Street in Downtown Alton. We will meet in the lobby/atrium on the ground floor. Here you can receive general info, ask questions, and share ideas on activities, advertising, etc. 

This meeting is not mandatory in order to participate, you will be emailed all of the information needed to register in March. 

If you will be selling any food other than uncut fruits and vegetables, please see the Food Vendor Regulations page of our website for detailed requirements which have recently been updated to allow greater flexibility:
Please direct any questions not answered on this page to the Madison County Health Department at or (618) 296-6079


Below you will find dates for our 2025 events; please mark your calendar for now, and registration forms will be emailed to you as they become available.
We are looking forward to another great year of helping you build your businesses in Downtown Alton!

Alton Farmers' & Artisans' Market
Every Saturday from May 10th – October 18th

Pup Crawl (That's a pub crawl + dogs!) 
Sat, May 31st

All-Wheels Drive-In Car Show 
Sun, June 8th

Night Market on Broadway
Every Thursday from June 6th – July 25th (no July 3rd, which is fireworks night!)

Mississippi Earthtones Festival
Sat, September 20th

Canine Carnival at the Market
TBD - October

Community Yard Sale at the Market
TBD - October

Green Gift Bazaar on Small Business Saturday
Sat, November 29th

We also invite you to check out all of the great themed events for vendors at the Old Bakery Beer Company this year!
For dates, details & registration forms, visit:

Thanks so much for your participation and I hope to see you soon,

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Sara McGibany - Executive Director
Alton Main Street
200 W. 3rd Street - Suite 512
Alton, IL  62002
Phone: 618-463-1016
Find us on Facebook!

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